Residential Conveyancing:-
Our specialist team understand the importance to you of a smooth house purchase & sale. Our team who practice in this area are experts and your matter will be dealt with at each stage by that expert.
Leasehold property:- Lease extensions & Freehold Purchases.
The Buying selling of commercial property; re-financing. Our commercial team are experts in dealing with commercial property transactions with a particular specialism in retail premises and premises which are licensed to sell alcohol or serve food. Nursing home transactions are another speciality.
Landlord & Tenant:-
We are experts in leases, with vast experience within our team of acting for both the landlord and the tenant in all types and levels of lease.
- alcohol; entertainment; late night refreshment & taxis
- Premises Licence applications- off licenses, bars, clubs, restaurants and takeaways etc; (grants/variations/ transfers/ temporary events)
- Review hearings/ appeals- Underage sales; disorder; nuisance; non duty paid alcohol; noise etc- defending premises at review hearings and appeals to magistrates court including full advocacy service
- Taxi Licensing hearings and appeals
- consultancy- training & best practice operations to avoid legal challenges
- Criminal defence- police interviews; prosecutions
- Advice on Judicial Review applications to the High Court
Our specialist team have years of experience in drafting wills and managing estates.
We are experienced in the particular needs of elderly clients, and in providing sensitive advice to families.